This year Awesome Retro will visit the Observe. Hack. Make. 2013 Festivals in the Netherlands. There we will team up with pinball and video artists in a project called “Rainbow Island”.
Recently we where gifted a stack of Dance Mats via Dj Koelkast of, so many that we decided to donate some of them to the hacking and modding community. It’s an ideal subject for hacking: 8 big buttons, impact resistant and USB connectivity. They are shipped to participants in this Dance Dissect Repurpose competition. The goal: use them in something awesome and bring it on OHM2013.
To participate:
- Request a DDR mat using this form
- Mats are sent to rand(entries), keep it
- End of february the mats will be shipped
- The end result is usable at Rainbow Island during OHM2013
- The end result must be demonstrated at OHM2013
- Results and written code are open-licenced
- Be original, creative and insane
During OHM2013 all entries will be compared and a winner is chosen. Schedule, symbolic prizes and the matching form of eternal glory are to be determined.
Enter the competition here:
May the most insane creation win!
During Observe. Hack. Make. 2013 a project called “Rainbow Island” has a physical location on the event-grounds. The island is aimed to be a decor for teams, projects and activities from the community.
Keywords of targeted activities on “Rainbow Island” are: video games, electronic games, pinball/arcade machines, slot machines, demos, video, cinema, (3D) projection, television, timelapse, videoart, imagery, media and photography.
Read the wiki page for more information about the project and the teams.