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Pong Competition on Dreamhack Winter 2013

Preparing for Dreamhack Winter 2013 we got this idea: let’s do a pong competition on the main stage. Dreamhack Hall D is huge, the event itself breaks world-records. It was really inspiring to get this done. After two days of intense work we got a main-stage spot, sponsors, an antique tv, prizes and a recording to take home. We didn’t know what to expect and it kicked ass! 🙂

Video or didn’t happen

The video was online on the Dreamhack Youtube stream, but not visible anymore due to copyright issues (background music). But we have a backup, 800 mb: Competition – Dreamhack Winter 2012.mp4

Video made by the Dreamhack crew.

Pics or didn’t happen

Pictures by Luc Marc Dijkstra.


Participants playing pong, prizes are next to the screen.


A look at the main stage


Players lining up



Waiting line continued


Closeup of the 2600 and the pong game


Also streamed live, the dreamhack crew is 100% win


A look from the side



Prize winners. Prizes sponsored by Logitech, CM Storm and Kingston.




Throwing remaining goodies in the audience.

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